Saturday, October 11, 2008


Glutathione is responsible for eliminating many
different environmental poisons.
As the process of toxin extraction occurs,
many people may experience symptoms
that are directly related to this process.
The typical reaction to the expelling of these
toxins involve flu-like symptoms including,
but not limited to, brain fog, headache,
sore throat, a feverish feeling,
joint or muscle discomfort
and almost always,fatigue. Symptoms
not associated with detox such as
hives, runny nose,and or a shortness
of breath need to be recognized as
representative of allergic reactions and
one should immediately cease supplementation.
For those experiencing a detox reaction
with MaxGXL, it is recommended that
they decrease the supplementation down
to one capsule, drink plenty of water, eat
wholesome, fresh foods, and gradually
increase the supplementation amount over
time until they have reached a comfortable
amount up to 6 capsules per day.
In some people, detox reactions may not
occur until they are on the product for
weeks to months and in those with severe
toxic/bacteria/viral exposure, it may reoccur
multiple times as they cleanse their cells at a
deeper and deeper level.If this does occur, it is
again recommended that one decrease the
dose to where the symptoms diminish
and/or disappear and then increase slowly.
It is important to understand that the
human body utilizes water as its principle medium to expel
toxins. Current recommendations for water
intake is ½ oz. of water per pound of body
weight. The goal is to exercise patience and
understand that ultimately the body is going
to function better when it is cleansed on the
environmental toxins.
who is Arthur E Bliss